Building creative business tools you can use

Saturday – Panel Room 1 7:00 pm 8:00 pm There are a lot of moving parts to moving product. How do you get your stuff out there in a way that works for you and your fans? Bob Nelson, Brenda Huettner, David Lee Summers, Sharon Skinner

The future happens everywhere, don’t limit your scifi to space

Saturday – Panel Room 1 5:00 pm 6:00 pm Cyberpunk knew it, but we seem to have forgotten, scifi can happen right in your conapt. Make your scifi everything it can be, forget space. Do some genetic engineering in the veldt. Carolyn Kay, David Lee Summers, Melanie Lenart, Sarena Ulibarri, Linda D Addison

Autograph Session 2

Saturday – Autograph Area 12:00 pm 1:00 pm Bring stuff. Buy stuff. Get stuff signed. Ask questions while they sign stuff. Have fun. Catherine Wells, David Lee Summers, Frankie Robertson, Gloria McMillan