Terry L. Smith was born in Louisiana, but calls Phoenix, Arizona home, between bouts of wanderlust. Even a stint in the U.S. Air Force as a radar specialist, training pilots in enemy radar detection (not getting their asses shot down), brought her back to the desert. Besides learning to dodge rattlesnakes and missiles, her time in the service taught her to appreciate the military culture and ever-changing technologies. Those experiences give life to the Science Fictions she loves so much and helps her write strong characters, especially women, holding their own as humanity reaches out into the universe.
When not writing, she focuses on art, from abstract, to nature, to the outer limits of space. Her mediums are primarily paints and resins, but she is always thinking about other materials to incorporate, to translate her imagination. Particularly items that have already survived other owners, giving them a new life for the next person.
Come check out her current releases and where you can meet her next.