H. Paul Honsinger

H. Paul Honsinger, born in Lake Charles, Louisiana, is the author of the best-selling “Man of War” Trilogy (To Honor Your Call Us, For Honor We Stand and Brothers in Valor), published by 47North. He has also written and independently published Deadly Nightshade (a novella), The Hunters of Vermin (a short novel), and a novelette, “Good Morning, Vendemiatrix.” Before becoming a writer, Paul practiced law for 20 years, sold cars and GMC pickups, taught debate, logic, and government, did some distinctly unglamorous and unexciting work for the Department of Defense, and counselled teenagers. His first novel, To Honor You Call Us was one of 16 nominees for the Goodreads Best Science Fiction Novel of 2014. His work has been translated into Polish, French, and Japanese. He lives with his fantasy author wife, Kathleen, (who publishes under the name “Laura Jo Phillips”) in Mohave County, Arizona.


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